Player Code of Conduct


I __________________  (Gamer Name) hereby pledge:

  1. I pledge to make Vanta Leagues an open and inclusive environment for everyone. I will be respectful to all I come across while gaming with Vanta, including gamers, coaches, moderators, and parents. 
  2. I pledge to do my part to eliminate cyber-bullying in games. I will not cheat, use inappropriate or rude language, I will not spam ping/chat in games, I will work hard to make the environment fun for everyone involved. This includes making sure that my in-game usernames are appropriate for the setting as well.
  3. If I am on a team with a Vanta coach, I pledge to respect and listen to my coaches. I recognize that my coaches have game knowledge that can and will help me and my team to grow and get better as gamers and as people. I will try my best to learn what they teach me and not interrupt or be rude to them during practices and games. I will not contact my coach directly outside of designated practice, lesson, or game times.
  4. If I am on a team with no coach, I pledge to be responsible for myself and/or my team. I will be on time to all of my matches. I will be proactive in making sure my scores are reported properly. I will inform Vanta and/or my Guardian/School Admin of any issues that may come up. I will be respectful of all opponents.
  5. I pledge to have fun and learn to game and grow with friends! Regardless of whether I win or lose I recognize that I can still learn and grow and have fun, and I will do everything I can to make gaming in the Vanta Leagues a fun environment for all!


Vanta has a zero-tolerance policy for unsportsmanlike conduct such as taunting, name calling, and inappropriate or suggestive behaviors. Players caught acting inappropriately will receive the following strikes against their participation in the season:

    Strike 1: Warning
    Strike 2: Forfeit Loss
    Strike 3: Cannot qualify for playoffs

    Each report will be thoroughly investigated by Vanta and we will reach out to both teams for a chance to dispute any claims made. Any report or dispute MUST have physical evidence to support. Additional reports of continued unsportsmanlike conduct will be determined by Vanta and discussed with the school admin associated with the team.

    1. To report unsportsmanlike conduct, please send a note to Each report will be reviewed by the Vanta operations team. Please include any available evidence in your report (i.e: Screenshots, video recordings, chat messages, etc.)
    2. Reports without evidence will not be considered viable and will be dismissed.
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