How do I update Overwatch 2? (PC)

Step 1

First, you’ll need to launch and login to the app. Make sure you’re on the Overwatch 2 game page, easily accessible through the favorites bar at the top.

Your game should start updating automatically, but just in case, let’s make sure automatic updates are enabled.

Step 2

To do this, click on the little “cog” icon on the launch button.

Step 3

Select “Game Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Step 4

In the Settings window, you’ll see a menu on the left. Select “Downloads”

Step 5

Here you’ll see a number of data management options for your game. 

Scroll down to the “Game Updates” section. Under “Automatic Updates”, make sure “Apply latest updates and download pre-release content for recently played games” is ticked in.

Once that’s enabled, your game updates will automatically download as they’re released!

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