What are the match rules for Splatoon 3?


LAST UPDATED: June 6th, 2024

1.1 Match Procedure

  • Tournament Teams
    • A “team” will consist of 4 Players and up to 4 allowable substitutes for a total of 10 players per roster. Multiple teams from each eligible institution will be allowed to participate in the tournament.
  • Set Length
    • All tournament sets will be played best-of-5 games. A different game mode will be played for each game.
    • A “Game” is defined as: An instance of competition on the designated map that is played until a winner is determined by one of the following methods, whichever occurs first: (a) completion of the final objective or (b) a Team forfeiting

2.1 Game Rules

  • Game Lobby Setup: The designated “Home Team” will be expected to set up the Lobby. Lobby should be set to “Invite Only” - teams will need to set the password to 5678 for consistency.
  • Modes: The 5 games will be played in the following game mode order:
    • Turf War
    • Rainmaker
    • Splat Zones
    • Tower Control
    • Clam Blitz
  • Stage Selection: The designated “Home Team” will pick the first stage for the first game mode, then the loser of each previous game type will pick the next stage for the next game. 
  • Gear: Any
  • Weapons: Any
  • Stoppage of Play: 
    • Each team is permitted one “Pause” per match in the event of a disconnection or hardware/software malfunction. 
    • Pauses may last no longer than 5 minutes regardless of the status of the originally impacted player. 
    • Teams are required to ensure both sides are “Ready” in the chat prior to lifting the pause. 
    • Teams that use an unauthorized pause will be considered to be using an exploitable bug and will forfeit that game. 
  • Remake Procedure: In the event of a server crash that impacts all eight players, the game may be remade. Picks and bans must stay consistent with the previous iteration of the game, and the rest of the game will be played out in full. 

3.1 Restrictions

  • Item Restrictions: Any items that have been restricted in general and professional play due to any exploitable bugs will be prohibited from league play. If anyone is seen to be using any of the items listed below, please report it to Vanta at support@vanta.gg as soon as possible.
  • Prohibited Items:
    • Splatfest Tees

4.1 Reporting

  • Score Reporting Format: Scores will be reported in “Win/Loss” format. Teams will indicate the number of games won by each team, final scores should be one of the following: 3-0. 3-1, or 3-2
  • Forfeits: Forfeits will be considered a 3-0 win for the team that showed up to play. 
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