What are the match rules for MultiVersus?


LAST UPDATE: July 16th, 2024

1.1 Match Procedure

  • Tournament Teams
    • A “team” will consist of two (2) Players. Multiple teams from each eligible institution will be allowed to participate in the tournament.
    • A team is allowed up to one (1) additional sub, making the total number of players registered to the team to be three (3) players. If the sub is listed on another team, they cannot play for both teams within the same week. For example, a player cannot cover for a missing player as a sub, then join their  own team’s match right after.
  • Set Length
    • All tournament sets will be played best-of-3 games, until Top 8 where sets will be played best-of-5. The ruleset will remain the same between the two.
      • One (1) GAME is considered to be a best of three (3) ROUNDS.
      • One (1) MATCH is considered to be a best of three (3) GAMES.

2.1 Game Rules

  • Game Setup:
    • The team that is the designated “Home” team will create the lobby and will add the “Away” team to that lobby. Team captains or coaches are expected to communicate via the Vanta platform to get the correct usernames added.
    • Play > Other > Custom Game
    • Game Mode: 2v2
    • Ringouts: 4
    • Time: 5 minutes
    • Hazards Enabled: OFF
    • After setting up the session, select “Invite Friend” from the sub-menu to invite the opponent to the match.
  • Technical and Tactical Pauses:
    • No tactical pauses are allowed during a round. If a pause is needed between rounds, it is up to the team needing the pause to announce why it is needed in the Vanta match chat.
      • Pauses in this regard cannot last longer than three (3) minutes.
    • In the event of the match being interrupted due to a software crash, please refer to the rules below:
      • If the issue occurs during the first minute of the round, the round may be restarted completely.
      • If the issue occurs during the middle of the round, the round must be set up as it was when the issue occurred. For example, if one team has two (2) ringouts already, they must manually ringout to get back to having two (2) left. The round does not start fresh.

3.1 Map Bans and Character Selection

  • During the setup for Game 1, the home team (the team that created the lobby) will strike all but three (3) maps from the map pool. The away team will then pick from the remaining three maps which map to play on.
  • After game 1, the loser of the first game will strike all but three (3) maps from the map pool, and the winner of the previous game will choose from the remaining three stages the next map to play on.
  • This will repeat for both best-of-3 (regular season) and best-of-5 series (playoffs after reaching top 8).
  • Match Progression:
    • Winners of the previous game must keep the same characters. For example, if team A wins game 1 with Superman and Shaggy, they must play Superman and Shaggy again in game 2.
    • Losers of the previous game are allowed to change characters between games.
    • All players must keep the chosen characters between rounds. Character changes can only be made between games.

4.1 Restrictions

  • New Characters
    • In the event of a new character being released, that character is prohibited until two weeks after their initial release date.
  • Banned Characters
    • Characters that are seen as largely banned across collegiate and professional competitions are likely to be banned by Vanta as well. Characters shown on the list below are unable to be used in Vanta-sanctioned competition.
    • If the content is disabled in Ranked or Normal matchmaking games, it will also be prohibited in Vanta official matches.
    • If an opponent uses a banned character, please report to support@vanta.gg so that a forfeit loss will be awarded to the team that used the banned character.
    • Banned Characters:
      • None currently.
  • New Maps:
    • In the event of a new map being released, that map is prohibited until two weeks after its initial release date.

5.1 Reporting

  • Score Reporting Format: Scores will be reported in “Win/Loss” format. Teams will indicate the number of games won by each team, final scores should be one of the following: 2-0 or 1-1.
  • Forfeits: Forfeits will be considered a 2-0 win for the team that showed up to play. 
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