What skills do I need to learn for Overwatch 2?

What do I learn in Overwatch 2?

Overwatch 2 brings together a complex variety of mechanics that challenges players to not only hone their aiming and hand-eye coordination skills, but requires familiarity with a roster of 35 characters, 36 maps, and 4 major competitive modes. Pulling together a winning strategy will ultimately come down to how well players learn to work together as a team - learning proper positioning, how to support your teammates, which enemy heroes to target to cripple the opposing team and how to best fulfill your role will make all the difference in executing winning plays. 

Here are some of the important things to learn in Overwatch 2:

The roster: Learning every hero is essential to understanding how to work with your team and effectively counter an opponent. Each hero has a host of abilities, including both active and passive abilities, and a player who only sticks to a couple of heroes won’t fully understand how other heroes' abilities work for or against them, putting them at a disadvantage. Testing their abilities on bots in the practice range is a good place to start.

Maps: Familiarity with the layout of each map will help you understand which maps favor attacking or defending teams. It’ll also help you in choosing the right heroes - for example, Junkrat is a strong pick for Dorado, as the littered rooftops and avenues gives him excellent ambushing opportunities and provides plenty of vantage points from where to perform grenade jump bombardments. You can gain some familiarity by starting up a custom game and simply walking through each map, paying close attention to key chokepoints and corridors, healthpack locations,  major hazards and where to find the clearest vantage points for your hero.

Role responsibility: It’s not always enough to be a mechanically sound player - to really be an effective player on your team, you have to understand how your hero's abilities should be applied for the success of the team. The difference between a good and a great Reinhartd is how well he protects his support and damage dealers - if he is more concerned with racking up his KDR, he may end up costing the round for his team who is struggling to stave off enemy attacks. A Mercy who is healing a damage dealer over a tank may find their tank being targeted and eliminated almost immediately, leaving their entire team exposed.

Mentorship from a skilled coach can help accelerate growth and capitalize overall playtime - a player who spends more time training will grow faster in less amount of time than a player who isn’t structured with his practice and simply pours hundreds of hours in online scrimmages. This is one of the reasons why Vanta emphasizes the importance of incorporating expert coaching into an esports program.

Interested in booking a Vanta skills trainer? Take the first step to leveling up your game.

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