How do I start a state league with Vanta?

Competing with Vanta not only opens up the opportunity for your school to compete in an esports league, but it could be the starting point for schools across your state to be able to connect and compete against each other for free! Our white-label services have allowed school districts across Texas, Florida and Hawai'i to start their own independent leagues, which has even paved the way for in person Championships. Vanta does all the heavy lifting with providing the platform and organizing the logistics of each school's individual esports program, but there are a couple of ways that school admins can open the discussion for free statewide leagues:

District CTE Department

Reaching out to your district's career technology educators is a great way to raise awareness to your school's interest in esports and any other STEM related activity. Not only would they be able to key you in on STEM related grants and special programs, but meeting with their department heads can potentially lead to conversations on how to implement programs for the entire district.

Vanta makes white-label esports implementation approachable with a free, ready to use platform and a full staff of advisors and operators that are always ready to answer questions and provide useful resources. We also offer coaching, camp and professional development solutions for schools that want to take an even more comprehensive approach.

For starting statewide leagues, this can be an excellent way to get the ball rolling.

Athletic Associations

There are a range of athletic associations that organize state esports leagues and events, and others that may not even have an esports league (yet!) - they usually require membership, but don't always have a platform to host their competition. Sometimes they will have a platform, but the platform costs may be difficult for individual schools to offset. As signing up for Vanta's leagues is absolutely free, your recommendation can help that association make state leagues more approachable for schools who have to manage afterschool staff, provide transportation and bring in technology on top of handling platform costs.

If your local athletic association does not currently use a platform, or is using a platform that requires entry fees, reach out to their representatives and let them know that Vanta might provide a better solution!

School Board Members

As an alternative to starting statewide leagues, Vanta is also excited about opportunities to help schools build leagues between their separate branches ('white label leagues'). This could be a great way to organize all of your school's campuses to compete in one league, whether in-state or across the country.

The best way to spark interest and implementation would be to start a discussion with your school's board members.

Here are some useful articles you can share to help get things started:

Why should I choose Vanta?

What services and esports solutions should Vanta provide?

Is esports beneficial?

If you'd like to discuss the next steps in getting your school(s) set up to compete, feel free to book a free onboarding session with one of our Customer Service Specialists.

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