General Information
- How do I download League of Legends?
- How do I prepare for Vanta onboarding?
- How do I download Overwatch 2? (PlayStation)
- Are Vanta games Mac compatible?
- What are Vanta's policies for streaming matches?
- What if I have to miss a match day?
- How do I download Fortnite? (PlayStation)
- Play-from-home preparation guide
- Don’t see practices on my schedule
- How do I check-in?
- Where do I enter my match day lobby information for Rocket League?
- Why should I choose Vanta?
- Can I use Vanta on a mobile device?
- How do I sign up for camps?
- How do I download Overwatch 2? (Switch)
- How do I book a coach?
- What career opportunities are there at Vanta?
- How many games can we sign up for per school?
- Can I have substitutes for my team?
- What is COPPA compliant technology?