General Information
- What do I need to authorize on my schools network for the Vanta Platform?
- FECS Competition Schedule
- How do I get started with Vanta?
- How do I download Rocket League? (PlayStation)
- How do I edit my teams?
- TAPPS Esports League Competition Schedule
- How does my team enter their match/practice room?
- How do I download Apex Legends? (PC)
- Don’t see matches on my schedule
- Vanta Postseason Guide - How do I prepare for the postseason?
- How do I see my schedule?
- Player Code of Conduct
- What are Vanta's playoff elimination rules?
- Are there prizes for playoff winners?
- How to Start an Esports Program at Your School
- How do I download Overwatch 2? (PC)
- How do I get an esports scholarship?
- What are your summer camp offerings?
- Parent's Guide to Esports
- School's Guide to Esports